50+ Romances You Should Watch On Valentine's Day

50+ Romances You Should Watch On Valentine's Day

Artwork by our behind the camera specialist, Leah. =)

Artwork by our behind the camera specialist, Leah. =)

When most people think of Valentines Day, they think chick flicks, roses and boxes of cheap chocolate. I've never really much cared for Valentine's Day and most romance films don't sit well with me as the story is typically tired and overused.

When I brought up the idea of compiling a list of romances that we would recommend our audience check out, I told me siblings (Daniel and Leah) that I wanted to pick films that weren't typical of Valentines Day, ones that you might not consider a romance simply because it wasn't labeled so. As I argue in the review, most movies have a "Love Filled Center" and I wanted to pick some that were not obvious romances and then toss in a few that are.

We were able to come up with over 50 films that one can watch for Valentines Day or really, anytime you need a romantic fix. Some of the choices might seem odd to you like The Crow, for example but hear us out. They really are romances even if they fill your need for speed, explosions or your desire for a political dialogue. 

Whether you are a fan of Valentine's Day or not, you should always have a good movie to watch. We've put together a list of over 50 "Romances" that might just surprise you and maybe make today a little bit better. Come follow us on...

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