Young Frankenstein (1974)

Young Frankenstein (1974)

The You Can't Unwatch It Spooktober 2017 series marches on with a look at Mel Brooks' Young Frankenstein Did you see last weeks review? Zack Snyder's Dawn of the Dead: Come follow us on... Website: Facebook: Instagram:

What can I really say about "Young Frankenstein"?

It's a film that one might be considered an acquired taste. I mean, it's a movie that I love. I grew up quoting it with my friends to the point of being annoying and it's one that I've recently had on as background noise while I write or work around the house.

Like I said, I like it.

But not everyone does.

Young Frankenstein falls under a funny category of movies where you either love them or absolutely hate them. There is no middle ground. My brother Daniel (you know, the head critic for this site), doesn't like this movie at all but my other siblings and mother do. When I mentioned that I was watching this movie and writing a review for it on Facebook, several people piped up and told me how much they hated this movie, how they wished they could get their time back from watching it while others started chucking funny Igor memes at me.

No. Middle. Ground.

I wonder if I could narrow down what about this film turns people off from it so much. That might actually be fun, an interesting study of the human entertainment condition. That could be a thing, I suppose. But, for today, I won't. Simply because I have a life. And no red bull.

If you haven't see Young Frankenstein, I highly recommend you do. It is currently on Netflix and absolutely worth at least one watch whether you love it or hate it. Personally, I think you'll like it but I'm biased.  If you need an little bit of convincing before you jump into it, watch my review on YouTube (below) or on Vidme. 

If you are a more of a Zombie movie kind of person, you might enjoy my brothers Dawn of the Dead review from last week. It's not my favorite zombie but, who knows, maybe it'll be yours.

by: Hannah Wetzel

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