Which Jurassic Park Sequel is the Best?

Which Jurassic Park Sequel is the Best?

Custom Artwork by Sean Smith Art

Custom Artwork by Sean Smith Art

Who here has seen all of the Jurassic Park sequels?

I'll admit, I hadn't really watched or paid attention to The Lost World or Jurassic Park 3 until brosef Daniel and I decided to do a month of remakes and sequels. My kids love dinosaurs and were watching Jurassic Park and Jurassic World on a pretty consistent basis (like....everyday...) so it was time to fill in the gaps in the series. It was worth it but painful.

Quite painful.

Jurassic Park will always be the best of the bunch as it was the original but it's nice to know how the others follow suit.In my review, I take a little time with each movie, go over its strengths and weaknesses and finally rank them in the end. I wonder if you'll agree

I had a lot of fun with this review. I hope you like it.

Be sure to leave a comment here or on our Facebook page about how you rank these sequels

With 4 going on 5 movies in the Jurassic Park franchise, have you ever considered which one of its sequels is the best? Or the worst? How about in the middle? Well, I've taken the time to find out for myself and you might just agree with me. Or not.

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John Carpenter's "The Thing" is the Best!