"Like Father" Is Definitely Worth Watching (Mini Review)

"Like Father" Is Definitely Worth Watching (Mini Review)


I’m back.

It’s been awhile since I have made a review. The end of my kids’ school year turned out to be much more hectic that I expected so I ended up watching a bunch of movies and then sitting on the reviews. But things are going back to normal as we roll our way into summer break. Here is the first in a string of mini reviews involving the Netflix originals I felt were worthy of a review.

Lucky for you, I’m starting you off with one that I like.

“Like Father” is one my husband recommended that I watch. He saw it while he was away for work and when we came across is again on Netflix, he turned it on and insisted that I would like it. I couldn’t help but be interested in it as it starred Kelsey Grammar (AKA Frasier!) and that there was really all the enticement I needed.

I mean, who doesn’t love Frasier, right?

I stayed away from spoilers in this review but I do hope it motivates you in some small way to watch it. It’s a good one and I think you’ll like it.

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