Neon Genesis Evangelion Act I: Progression

Neon Genesis Evangelion Act I: Progression

I begin my dive into the famous Neon Genesis Evangelion in an attempt to explore the journey of Shinji Ikari and others surrounding him. This is part one of three.

Part of my motivation for creating this series on Evangelion was hearing my sisters thoughts on this series, more specifically how it ended. Yep, I’m talking about Hannah. She was enjoying the show until she reached the end…and then she hated it.. In some instances, Evangelion is unfairly maligned and I hope this series helps change minds.

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Northanger Abbey: 1987 vs 2007 Pt. 1

Northanger Abbey: 1987 vs 2007 Pt. 1

Terry Gilliam-athon Pt. Three: The Adventures of Baron Munchausen

Terry Gilliam-athon Pt. Three: The Adventures of Baron Munchausen