Hack-O-Lantern (Spooktober 2020)

Hack-O-Lantern (Spooktober 2020)

I swear, Daniel has a knack for picking the WORST films to review for Spooktober!

I asked him why he watches these films or how he even finds them and he just laughed at me.

I’m not sure if I should be worried with that response or respect his mad game.

For today edition of Spooktober 2020, we’ve got HACK-O-LANTERN, a trashy slasher from the 80s that happens to be a lot of fun as well (so says Daniel anyway).⁠

May the odds be ever in your favor.

Support YOU CAN’T UNWATCH IT by watching and sharing our reviews, following us on social media and buying us some coffee on BUY ME A COFFEE. Y’all are the best!
The Cluster Fun That Is Neil Jordan's 'HIGH SPIRITS' (Spooktober 2020)

The Cluster Fun That Is Neil Jordan's 'HIGH SPIRITS' (Spooktober 2020)

Pride, Prejudice & Zombies (Spoilers ahead!)

Pride, Prejudice & Zombies (Spoilers ahead!)