And Lo and behold, we have Spider-Man Homecoming in which we have Spidey join the Marvel Cinematic Universe. So, what did I think of this new Spider-Man? Well...
And Lo and behold, we have Spider-Man Homecoming in which we have Spidey join the Marvel Cinematic Universe. So, what did I think of this new Spider-Man? Well...
Damien Chazelle's well made but wildly overpraised film sold tickets like hot cakes, won truckloads of undeserved accolades and was the winner of the shortest lived Best Picture Oscar in history. That tends to happen when you peddle gimmicks... IS Transformers 5. If you've seen one, you've seen them all.
Remember the days when monster stories or tales of supernatural creatures served as tales of morality? I wish we had more of those.
Sometimes the questions are more interesting than any answer.
Lifeforce is quite possibly the best film that Cannon films ever produced and it is in my not-so-humble opinion the best movie Tobe Hopper ever made. If you want something crazy, over the top and absolutely fun, check out Lifeforce. You won’t regret it.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, the sequel to what has been called the best film in the MC Universe, was an all-over the place visually stunning hit and miss, exhausting action-comedy.
The Void is a kind of novelty movie where it seems fresh and appetizing at first glance until you take a bite of it (so to speak) and find it flavorless and mushy on the inside.
Life may not always be exciting but it sure is not loaded with platitudes or easy lessons and for art to work effectively, it has to be challenging as well as inspiring. Babel accomplishes both.
Dark City has everything a growing sci-fi fanboy needs: inspired story and design, interesting ideas, memorable characters and the smug sense of satisfaction that you’ve seen something that not many people have… and it’s not the Matrix.
Ok, just kidding about the last part...
Or am I?
See this movie. See this movie.
See. This. Movie.
Whether or not anyone asked for it, Hollywood has made its own version of Ghost in the Shell.