Northanger Abbey 1987 vs 2007 Pt. 3: Time At The Abbey

Northanger Abbey 1987 vs 2007 Pt. 3: Time At The Abbey

Huzzah, part 3 is finally here!

At the end of October, because of all the local restrictions and covid mitigation measures, my husband and I decided to homeschool our kids for the remaining of the 2020-20021 school year. That meant I had to take a little break from editing and writing to get the kiddos settled into their new routine. Thankfully, I was nearly done with this review anyway so I was able to wrap it up pretty quickly last week.

Part 3 of my Northanger Abbey review covers the time that Catherine spends with the Tilney's at Northanger Abbey, introduces General Tilney and touches on what might happen between Mr.Tilney and Catherine. In some ways, both adaptations are essentially the same but in others, hilariously not so!

Part 4 will wrap up this series so stay tuned.

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