Anne With An E: A Hit and A Miss

Anne With An E: A Hit and A Miss

Ow! My Brain!!!

Ow! My Brain!!!

Remakes are things that, in recent years, has become so common place that we both refuse to think about but are painfully aware of. Every year there seems to be a new Spider-Man movie, another Batman ret-boot (retcon + reboot). more super hero movies than I care to count, and so on and so forth. Generally, I don't mind and I will admit that I have found many reboots enjoyable.

Unfortunately, Anne with an E just wasn't one of them and that's a sentence I wish I didn't have to utter.

I was really excited when the first sneak peeks and promos came out. I actually set aside time for me to watch the show upon its release and as the first episode opened, I was impressed. I kept thinking, "If they keep this us, this show is gonna ROCK!"

And then episode 1 ended and everything went to pot.

I was severely disappointed with the rest of the episodes and felt myself stewing on them. I will admit to being a fan of the '85 TV movie and a decided lover of the book series but I wasn't upset that they took liberties in the story. I'm just sorry the liberties were so poorly written.

But enough of written words. My video here explains it all. I do have a second shorter review coming out of the things I couldn't fit into this video, things like "Orphan Hate", etc and that'll be out in a few weeks. It'll be funny, I promise.

Anne with an E is what some might consider a darker twist on a classic tale. I like to consider it a twisted "Hit and a Miss" of a classic tale. It's worth at least one watch BUT, if you are a die hard fan of Anne of Green Gables...prepare yourself.

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