Evil Dead 2 (1987)

Evil Dead 2 (1987)


Take yourself back to Halloween night 14 years ago. What were you doing?

My brothers and I had finished trick-or-treating and had returned home ready to binge on candy and watch something stupid. It was on this night 14 years that we first saw the masterpiece that is Evil Dead 2. I guess you can say that it changed our lives.

I'm not kidding.

If you have never seen Evil Dead 2,  I can't really explain the movie to you. You have to watch it and experience it for yourself. But we'll be nice and let you know a few things before you press play:

1) It's Not A Horror Movie. More like a "comedy" with "horror" like elements. And yes, those quotes are necessary. Don't expect to be jarred from your seat in terror or disgust as you would in today's common horror films but do be careful not to spill your buttery delicious popcorn as the body parts fly. Popcorn is precious. 

2) The Man with the Chin Bruce Campbell stars as the Cowardly Hero Ash. Ash goes on to fight the Deadites in the Evil Dead 2 sequel "Army of Darkness" which is about a thousand levels of amazing. But I digress. He's in this so watch it. He makes every second worth it.

3) It Is Unlike Anything You've Ever Seen...though, it has inspired many a film afterward and truly made a name for itself per it's unique nature. You might recognize a few things here and there. 

4) Bruce. Freaking. Campbell. Do you really need anymore convincing?! That man is THE MAN! #HailToTheChin

Take 8 minutes and watch our review. Then go watch Evil Dead 2 for yourself.  You'll like it.

You know, hopefully.

What a better way to finish off Spooktober 2017 than with Evil Dead II, our absolute favorite Halloween movie here at You Can't Unwatch It and quite possibly the best comedy ever made. But why is Daniel fighting a Zombie?



Silence (2016)

Silence (2016)